Bank Reconciliation: Purpose, Example, Process
However, as a business owner, it’s important to understand the reconciliation process. After adjusting the balance as per the cash book, you’ll need record all adjustments in your company’s general ledger accounts. When your balance as per the cash book…
How to Calculate Standard Deviation if Variance Is Negative
In statistics, the term variance refers to how spread out values are in a given dataset. The calculation in the third step is discussed on stack.overflow. The package corpcor offers ways to shrink covariances to chosen targets and offers checks…
Bookkeeping and Accounting services in dallas tx for small business
Good accounting for contractors requires more than bookkeeping software. A construction accountant can give you insights into where your cash is going – from year-to-year and project-to-project. Heather N. Sellers, CPA/CFE/CFF, is a partner at GMP, having worked in accounting…
Nanny PAYE Services
Time-tracking software is the easiest way for both you and your employees to make sure workers are being compensated for their actual hours worked while keeping you compliant with federal law. Some time-tracking tools also let you set up paid…
inventory: finished goods FG definition and meaning
But, as a rule, you want to minimize finished goods inventory to keep storage costs down. The point here is getting familiar enough with your finished goods inventory level that you can draw actually useful conclusions from it. And this…
FASB issues final ASU requiring enhanced disclosure of segment expenses
A statement of activities is a financial report that quantifies the revenues and expenses of a nonprofit organization for a specific reporting period. It is the nonprofit version of an income statement used by for-profit businesses. The statement of activities…