“Ion is a shepherd in the Sureanu mountains area of Romania. He lives a hard, traditional life, high up in the mountains with his parents and the household’s livestock. His life is hard but he could never live in the…

Crowdfunding: Dragos Lumpan - Ultima transhumanta/Last transhumance

Crowdfunding: Dragos Lumpan – Ultima transhumanta/Last transhumance

(RO) Transhumanța este drumul de câteva sute de kilometri pe care ciobanii îl parcurg toamna și primăvara între munte și câmpie pentru a hrăni și proteja turmele. Ciobanii care inca mai practica transhumanta merg zi de zi cu oile, dorm…

Photobook Crowdfunding: Bucharest - Tudor Prisăcariu

Photobook Crowdfunding: Bucharest – Tudor Prisăcariu

Between September 2012 and November 2014 I spent 50 days walking throughout Bucharest with the aim of building a visual archive of its ever-changing face. Focusing on its architecture and landscape, I wanted to create a representation of Bucharest that…

Freya Najade - If you are lucky you get old

Freya Najade – If you are lucky you get old

“‘If you are lucky, you get old’, this was one of the first things the elderly taught me when I set off to find out more about them. In the project If you are lucky, you get old I tell stories…

Andreea Tănase - Armenians in Romania

Andreea Tănase – Armenians in Romania

Armenians in Romania. The stories of the people close to us is a testimony of the Armenian community in Romania, as seen today. It is a foray into the Armenian tradition, history and the stories of the people close to us. Following…

Silviu Mihai and George Popescu - The Ghost Towns of Black Coal

Silviu Mihai and George Popescu – The Ghost Towns of Black Coal

“The last coal mines in the Jiu Valley will be closed down during the next three years. The decision was taken by the Romanian Government, jointly with the International Monetary Fund and the EU Commission. Over 3,000 workers will lose…