Q&A: Alcohol and Hot Flashes
Here’s what happens when you’re having an alcoholic drink in the cold. When you drink alcohol, your blood vessels dilate, sending more blood to your skin. This dilation brings blood closer to the surface of your skin, which can create…
Alcohol-Related Deaths: What to Know
They’re also at a higher risk for other challenges, including difficulties forming close relationships, lying, and self-judgment. If you’re living with someone who has AUD, it’s important to understand what’s behind the addiction to alcohol and to learn how to…
Loving Someone with an Addiction: What You Can Do to Help
It is thought females account for more benzo addictions than males, but this may merely be due to women being more likely to receive a prescription for the drugs. “Short-acting” refers to how quickly something is both felt within the…
The Effects of Alcohol on Appearance
If left untreated, alcoholic liver disease can result in liver failure. Jaundice results from a build up of bilirubin in the body, which is a component of bile. Alcoholics may also develop abdominal pain as the damage progresses. BetterHelp can…
Staying Sober During the Holidays Addiction Recovery Tips
Content Stay Helpful Stay connected to other recovery folks ( Know Your Triggers Reasons to Consult an Addiction Recovery Life Coach Importance of an Exit Strategy After Treatment Oxycodone Addiction: What You Need To Know Alcohol Abuse & Addiction Ask…
Meth Withdrawal Symptoms, Timeline & Detox Treatment
Other reasons meth addicts cite for seeking out the drug include rapid weight loss and the way it lowers inhibitions and increases libido. Some people turn to crystal meth after their tolerance to a different drug has grown so much…