EXHIBITION: Iulian Ignat – No Direction Home
Iulian Ignat – No Direction Home – Sibiu, Turnul Sfatului, Sala de expozitii etaj 1, 14-29 iunie. Vernisaj 15 iunie orele 17:00 (RO only): Am vorbit cu Iulian despre expozitie. Cateva dintre intrebarile pe care le-am abordat au fost legate de ideea…

Bogdan Boghițoi and Sorin Vidis – Oina Project
“Although virtually unknown abroad, Oina is a game that still has deep roots in Romania, especially in the countryside, where it originated. In certain respects it resembles baseball, and, according to some, it is its ancestor, which has been taken…

Sean Bradley – Super Bowl Parking Lot
“I find interest in the alternate sides of situations. I enjoy the moments between the official moments. These hidden instances tell the real story for me. This project is about the moments between the excitement of traveling to the Super…

Dragos-Radu Dumitrescu – Turk Masal
“Turk Masal is a project that was initiated while exploring the various settlements of the southern part of Dobrogea. Some of them are inhabited by Turkish communities and have been preserved so far from the modern world probably due to geographical…

Andrea Dapueto – Surrounded by the Ice
“Altay Region South Siberia – Altay Region is located on board with Mongolia and Kazakhstan, Travelling to this place I was thinking about Siberia as a dark place in winter time , but unexpectedly I found an amazing magic light, was…

Photobook Review: Laurence Salzmann – La Baie/Bath Scenes
“On Sunday mornings men carrying bunches of oak leaves were to be seen in the streets of the town. They walked in small groups headed in the direction of the Jewish Bath on Strada Baia. The bath pictures were taken…