Photobook Review: Laurence Salzmann – La Baie/Bath Scenes
“On Sunday mornings men carrying bunches of oak leaves were to be seen in the streets of the town. They walked in small groups headed in the direction of the Jewish Bath on Strada Baia. The bath pictures were taken…

Photobook Review: Andreea Tanase – Armenians in Romania. The stories of the people close to us
“I began documenting the Armenian community in Romania because I was impressed with the Armenian Genocide stories I had read about. In Romania, certain historical realities are still silenced and consequently they are either absent or poorly presented in the…

Photobook Review: Costică Acsinte – Foto Splendid vol.1: Social Life
“Too quickly do we forget our ancestors, we demolish our heritage buildings with too much ease, we respect the past less and less, as if we were the most forgetful nation of Europe.” – Filip-Lucian Iorga, historian Costică Acsinte was born 4th…

Photobook Review: Victor Boldâr – Fotograful peliculei de cursă lungă
“This book of wonders in black and white is built upon a collage of life memories and narratives received piece by piece in writing from the artist’s wife, Speranța, from his daughter, Violeta, as well as from his nephew Cătălin…

Photobook Review: Mihai Barabancea – Rescrierea Secventei/Overriding Sequence
I received this photobook for a short review and met the author. You can tell when a project is very important to the author if he want to personally explain what was going on. The project – 4 year in the making –…

Photobook Review: Victor Boldâr – 07.05.75 Impresii. Henri Cartier-Bresson in Oltenia
7 may 1975 – Victor Boldâr, Nicu Dan Gelep and Mihai Dan Calinescu were about to accompany Henri Cartier-Bresson and Martine Franck through a photographic journey in Oltenia, Romania. Their journey was documented and years later has turned into a…