Odeta Catana - Berlin as Utopia

Odeta Catana – Berlin as Utopia

“Your world changes when you move from one country to another. You are confused, you feel lost but you are encouraged if your relatives are with you. And if you are young, you are full of hopes. A few hundreds of Roma people, moved with the whole families from the village Fantanele (Romania) to Berlin, Neukolln neighbourhood (Germany). They are trying to make a living out of their talents, playing instruments, going to German schools or taking integration courses. The focus of the project is upon the young generation and they have been photographed from class rooms to their houses in order to re-create their world.  Each one was asked “Why Berlin?”” – Odeta Catana

Samuel Ciulin

Samuel Ciulin – “Here is Berlin, it’s not Fântanele!”

Denisa Ion

Denisa Ion – “Because Berlin is big and there is always something new.”

Timotei Turcu

Timotei Turcu

Senaida Stoica

Senaida Stoica – “Here I have a better future, for this I am here.”

Robert Stancioiu

Robert Stancioiu – “I came with my family.”

Rebeca Stancioiu

Rebeca Stancioiu – “I came in Berlin, as here it was my husband.”

Ramona Ion

Ramona Ion – “Because it’s like home, all my friends and family are here.”

Marta Stancioiu

Marta Stancioiu – “I like going to school here.”

Odeta Catana, born in Romania, has recently graduated Documentary Photography at University of Wales, Newport, UK. She has previously studied History and Theory of Arts for her BA  and Cultural Anthropology for her MA in Romania. Odeta was previously featured on Oitzarisme with Bed Desks and Mother Romania. More information on www.odetacatana.com.