Gabriel Amza – Travels To Scartistan
“The documentary photography project Travels to Scartzistan was born from the artists adventures and experiences in Scart, Loc Lejer. The series was formed over the course of 4 years. The photographs are an attempt to analyze and describe the lives of the people…

EXHIBITION: Iulian Ignat – No Direction Home
Iulian Ignat – No Direction Home – Sibiu, Turnul Sfatului, Sala de expozitii etaj 1, 14-29 iunie. Vernisaj 15 iunie orele 17:00 (RO only): Am vorbit cu Iulian despre expozitie. Cateva dintre intrebarile pe care le-am abordat au fost legate de ideea…

Photobook Preorder: Tomas Bachot – Those who eat fish from the cyanide lake improve their sex life
“I met Matei during a student job in the chocolate factory of Malle in 2013. While piling up choco spread pots, he told me about the social debate related to the gold mines’ reopening in his homeland Romania. At his…

Maria Babikova – Harmony
“The Harmony Series is a project deeply rooted in my personal history, started a year ago. The series are named after the school of rhythmic gymnastics-“Harmony”,where i spent most of my childhood. It is in my hometown of Chelyabinsk, a…

Gustavo Minas – Bus Station
“I moved to Brasilia in 2014. Previously I was photographing the lively, chaotic streets of São Paulo and so couldn’t help but hate Brasilia at first. Its huge, empty open spaces and unwalkable roads; the way people seemed to always…

Claudia Willmitzer – Jaffna
“The capital city of the Tamil, Jaffna, located at the northern Sri Lankan peninsula greatly suffered from the civil war. Following the nearly two decades of conflict, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam and the Sri Lankan government signed an…