Gabriel Amza – Travels To Scartistan
“The documentary photography project Travels to Scartzistan was born from the artists adventures and experiences in Scart, Loc Lejer. The series was formed over the course of 4 years. The photographs are an attempt to analyze and describe the lives of the people…

Gustavo Minas – Bus Station
“I moved to Brasilia in 2014. Previously I was photographing the lively, chaotic streets of São Paulo and so couldn’t help but hate Brasilia at first. Its huge, empty open spaces and unwalkable roads; the way people seemed to always…

Tim Gao – Invisible Theatre
“Street photography is not just a sharp triggering of the shutter to shape the outside world in the form of light and shadow. It is simultaneously a curious observation and emotional perception of what’s happening in the ordinary streets at…

Mircea Albuţiu – Sulina, end of season
“I still haven’t been in Sulina in the summertime and I think I should go there this summer. In fact, I didn’t linger too much in the city, as I only crossed it in my way to Sfiştofca, the village…

Charalampos Kydonakis – eT
“Unglücklich das land, das helden nötig hat – Bertolt Brecht” You can see this whole powerful series (and other photos as well) of Charalampos Kydonakis (aka Dirty Harrry) at http://www.dirtyharrry.com/1970/06/et.html

Giuseppe Mileti – Aræ Oleum
“I had passed through those streets thousands and thousands of times. And thousand of times had seen those faces. Time changes everything. It changes us. It changes how we view things and understand them. Houses collapse. Others take their place. Faces change….