Tribble & Mancenido - Hurry Up and Wait

Tribble & Mancenido – Hurry Up and Wait

“Hurry Up & Wait is an ongoing collection of images exploring the obscure and anonymous life of America’s trucking culture. Driving for a year in our own tractor-trailer, we focus on the banal repetition and periods of isolation from constant movement on the road. These images are a byproduct of the world we entered and a glimpse of the places eighteen-wheelers are allowed. We are constantly faced with the same landscape regardless of location. This is where we photograph. From moments of obliged waiting in truck stops to transporting products, we showcase the openness of the road and the lonesome journey of the driver. We hope our images bring new light to the harsh beauty of this unknown world.”

TribbleMancenido1Nathaniel “Shorty” Baker, Rising Fawn

TribbleMancenido2Trailers, Allentown

TribbleMancenido3Charles McLean, Dillon

TribbleMancenido4Pilot Fuel Island, Rising Fawn

TribbleMancenido5Jerry Rollie Jr., Rising Fawn

TribbleMancenido6Porky’s Truckers’ Store, Dillon and their blog