Photobook Review: Victor Boldâr – Fotograful peliculei de cursă lungă
“This book of wonders in black and white is built upon a collage of life memories and narratives received piece by piece in writing from the artist’s wife, Speranța, from his daughter, Violeta, as well as from his nephew Cătălin Victor together with stories and photos reported by Dorian Delureanu.
I met Victor Boldâr in 2010 at the Craiova Art Museum, on the day of his “05.07.75” exhibition opening. He came by car, driving his Dacia 1100, the same car with which he took his journey together with Henri Cartier Bresson and Martine Frank around Oltenia in early 1975. I learned he liked very much les chansonnettes. No wonder he was a flaneur and, yes, Victor Boldâr pictures should be listened.
He let himself be enchanted by the world around, his eyes were gladly exposed to photos of tiny creatures, of people as well as of giant structures with the same pleasure of seeing and wondering. He built himself throughout his photos a place in a timeless time.” – Cristina Irian
You can browse the whole book in electronic format here: http://www.mirceafaria.ro/albume/VictorBoldar-cursalunga/cursalunga.html or in paper-format in the Oitzarisme Library.
Victor Boldâr – Fotograful peliculei de cursă lungă
130 pages
ISBN 978-606-703-460-8
Craiova 2015
Oitzarisme.ro prin amabilitatea lui Dorian Delureanu, va ofera cadou un exemplar al cartii “Victor Boldâr – Fotograful peliculei de cursă lungă” plus “Victor Boldâr– 07.05.1975 – Impresii- Henri Cartier-Bresson in Oltenia”.
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