Hajime Kimura - Tracks

Hajime Kimura – Tracks

“The farmer told me, “It will happen after dusk”. One day in spring, at midnight, when the rain was drizzling and the temperature was getting warmer I heard from outside my room. “Hey, it’s born!” It seemed like someone was…

Obiectiv – Despicăm fotografia-n patru!

Obiectiv – Despicăm fotografia-n patru!

Organizaţia studenţească Voluntari pentru Idei şi Proiecte anunţă începerea celei de-a doua ediţii a proiectului Obiectiv, un proiect cu o structură unică, realizat din pasiune pentru fotografie şi grijă pentru omul din spatele aparatului. Obiectiv este o şcoală de fotografie…

Cornel Hlupina – Extrasezon

Cornel Hlupina – Extrasezon

Extrasezon series is part of Humanless project (March 2014) from www.phototeam.ro, a website created by a group of friends who enjoy photography. Every member of the team submits a series related to the current theme. Cornel Hlupina’s series comes with a personal text of the author, in Romanian….

Ulf Fagelhammar - The Institute

Ulf Fagelhammar – The Institute

“The Institute derives from the inner need to express what is going in on in our minds it is a reflection of the real world consequently it is in great parts about absurdity. The Institute is not for the fancy galleries or the high profile…

Knut-Inge Johnsen - Snapshots from my Window

Knut-Inge Johnsen – Snapshots from my Window

“For three years I had an office with a window, facing a certain open place in the little town where I live. Many people passed by each day – children end youth on their way to and from school, parents…

Gabriel Amza - Genius Loci

Gabriel Amza – Genius Loci

“Genius Loci is an ongoing documentary photography project that aims to define the quintessential spirit of the Jiu Valley, Romania. As shooting began, the only thing that can clearly be defined is not the spirit, but the empty spot it…