Riitta Ikonen & Karoline Hjorth – Eyes as Big as Plates
Eyes as Big as Plates is a collaborative project and started out as a play on characters and protagonists from Norwegian folklore, is created by Riitta Ikonen (Finland) and Karoline Hjorth (Norway) and is on going since May 2011 and has moved on to exploring the mental landscape of the Finns, New Yorkers, French, Icelanders and the Faroese.
Ikonen and Hjorth met during an artist residency in Norway where the first part of the series was produced in collaboration with local senior heroes, sailors, retired agronomes and 90-year old parachuters. The project was exhibited for the first time in Sandnes in May and many several times in Europe aftwewards. More about the places where the exhibition was presented on the project’s website and more destinations are scheduled for 2014.
More images on www.riittaikonen.com and www.eyesasbigasplates.com