Eduard Gutescu – Ferestre în timp / Windows in time
”Pe 22 decembrie 1989 eram destul de speriat ca orice copil la 14 ani. Imi aduc aminte ca mama mea lucra la Electrofar iar in acea zi i-au scos in Piata Revolutiei la miting asa cum se obisnuia. Eu eram acasa cand am vazut la Televiziunea Romana primele imagini cu ce se intampla in piata. Primul gand a fost la mama care stiam ca este acolo. Am plecat de acasa cu gandul sa ajung in piata si norocul a fost ca mama plecase mai devreme, inainte sa inceapa toata nebunia. Imi aduc aminte ca ne-am intalnit in cartier iar pe mama nu o mai vazusem nici odata atat de fericita. Striga in gura mare “Libertateeeee!”
Ideea acestui proiect a venit din dorinta de a aminti oamenilor cat de trecatori suntem, cum se schimba lucrurile in timp si cum uitam de lucrurile care ne-au schimbat viata la un moment dat. Cum tema revolutiei nu a mai fost abordata de nimeni in aceasta maniera, am hotarat sa o pun in practica cat mai repede, sa vad ce efect va avea asupra unei generatii care este probabil destul de straina de evenimentele ce au avut loc in 1989.
Am 38 de ani si sunt un tanar om de afaceri. Am fost pasionat de fotografie de cand aveam 15 ani, inspirat de un vecin care avea acasa un studio foto complet, inclusiv camera obscura. Nu m-am gandit sa castig bani din fotografie dar cu timpul probabil ca voi vrea sa castig bani din pasiunea mea. Ma gandesc deocamdata sa stapanesc foarte bine tehnicile fotografice si sa fac cat mai multe fotografii reusite care sa placa publicului. Cel mai mult imi doresc sa reusesc sa vin cu o idee originala, lucru care pana acum nu l-am reusit. Tehnica fotografica pe care am pus-o in practica la proiectul Ferestre In Timp a mai fost folosita si de alti fotografi. Urmeaza sa folosesc aceeasi tehnica aducand ca subiect familia regala a Romaniei si pe viitor imi doresc sa colaborez si sa invat de la fotografi ca Aurel Rapa, Sorin Onisor, Mihai Moiceanu sau Ionel Onofras.”
”On the 22nd of December, 1989 I was pretty scared, just like any other fourteen year-old kid. I remember that my mother was at work at Electrofar that day and they were told to go to the party meeting, set to take place in the square now called Revolution Square. I was home when I saw the first images of what was happening there on the national TV station and my first thoughts went out to my mother, whom I knew was there. I left home meaning to reach the square, but luckily my mother had left early, before all hell broke loose. I remember we met in our neighborhood and I’d never seen mom that happy before. She was calling out “Fredooooooooom!” at the top of her lungs.
The idea behind this project came from my wish to make people understand how transient we are, how things change in time, and how we forget about the things that once changed our lives. Since the theme of the 1989 Revolution had never been approached like this before, I decided to put it into practice as soon as possible, in order to see how it impacts a generation, for which the events that happened in 1989 are probably pretty foreign.”
Eduard Dutescu is a 38 year-old entrepreneur. His passion for photography started at 15, when he was inspired by a neighbor who had a full photo studio, complete with a dark room. What he wants most is to manage to come up with an original idea. The photographic technique he used in Windows in Time has been used by other photographers as well, and he will use it again for a project about the Royal Family of Romania. For the future, he would like to work with and learn from Aurel Rapa, Sorin Onisor, Mihai Moiceanu or Ionel Onofras. You can find him on Facebook.
Translation by Ioana Pelehatai