Vlad Gayraud – From dawn, dust till dusk



I heard stories about Kathmandu Valley, even more stories about Nepal and was very eager to check it out myself. No expectations, no planning and a lot of curiosity where governing my trip so far and wasn’t about to change anything as I was travelling by minibus from the Indian boarder towards Kathmandu.

Kathmandu, capital city of Nepal, grew bigger and bigger as people from all parts of Nepal moved in the city searching the better life. Kathmandu is now a crowded and lively city but still not the searched-for wonderland.

I arrived in Kathmandu beginning of April at the end of the dry season. First day in Kathmandu I bought a mask. Dry season, unfinished or under construction sites, polluting buses, uncountable motorbikes and geographical positioning make Kathmandu a dusty and grey city… Anyway it’s hard to breath and the solution adopted by so many is wearing a mask.

Whatever the reasons for wearing a mask may be I felt more interested in the visual result and different contrast that it created. My experience in Kathmandu was very pleasurable. I remember so many tastes, smells and sounds, but what I remember most is their smile behind the mask.

Vlad Gayraud






















More images and other interesting projects on Vlad Gayraud’s website. Vlad “climbs the tree to see the world…” since 1981 and he’s a freelancer photographer. You can find his works also on vladett.wordpress.com and on his Facebook Page.