Andu Simion – Românyan Lyfe
www.andusimion.com, his great visual blog and previously featured
“I try to freeze the moment; I carefully compose shots that say something. The portraits presented here are the result of my travels through various Romanian cities; this country surprises me every time in a plesant way and this is due to a single reason : it’s very photogenic. I like un-urbanised, warm places and I expose them in black and white because I find it more expressive this way. The greys tell me everything about the Universe and it presents it as it is: with no connections between the objects, feelings, people.”
Policiori, Ianuarie 2009
Gãgeni, Mai 2009
Ploieºti, Septembrie 2008
Policiori, Ianuarie 2009
Hãbud, Iulie 2010
Ploieºti, Decembrie 2008
more images and other intersting projects on Andu Simion’s website