Alina Andrei – Messages for the last Eskimo and
“On the Newscast was said that North Pole melts and that the lands of the Eskimos, polar bears, seals and foxes with white fur disappear slowly. These are messages for the last Eskimo. I hope that will arrive to him.
Here is hot, people walk in t shirts, drink beer and are calmly waiting for the end of the world. None of them wants to build another Noah’s ark. You could build an igloo from the leaves in a large cave.
I fell asleep on the beach, dreaming that you were reading the messages from the bottle. It was cold in my dream.
I woke up. I’m waiting. I have many questions to ask you, but I will wait. I have patience. Are you afraid? You shouldn’t. Many years before I was born, a great man wrote a book about a pinguin named Apolodor. A travelling pinguin who wanted to reach Labrador. I wish I could give it to you. It is written in Romanian (here, at home, all speak Romanian), but I could translate it into English, I would like it very much. I would like to see a picture of you, a portrait when you were a child. Please, keep your family album, it would be a pity to loose it.
What kind of icecream do you like, I want to know. Pistachio, caramel, nuts, chocolate or wild berries?
In the morning, do you drink tea or coffee? I always asked myself if fish do ever dream. What do you think? They say that icebergs have kept the mammuts, you have seen at least one in your life?
I am sleepy all the time, day and night, day and night, day and night day and night. I’m starting to believe that the messages haven’t reached you.
You are very quiet, the most silent Eskimo I’ve ever known. Well, I don’t know you yet. At home I do not speak either.”
more images on Liternet; found on incotro 2008