Ilinca Neagu - Intimacy

Ilinca Neagu – Intimacy

“Walking down the street in London, reading a book on a bench in Sofia, or simply enjoying the seaside view in Knokke-Heist. This is intimacy. People in their own thoughts, all over the world. In the camera’s eyes, they are all the same. The camera doesn’t care for skin colour, wealth, age or the clothes one wears. It only “sees” in black and white. It only “sees” in one’s intimacy.

This project started out as a case-study on “globalization” back in 2007 and it’s an ongoing, ever-evolving structure. What interested me the most was to show that no matter the exterior, the inside structures of human beings are similar. We can all recognize ourselves in a woman lost in thoughts on a late-night subway even though she rides the London tube while we take 71 between Porte de Namur and Place Flagey in Bruxelles. We all have happy feelings, secret desires, hurtful memories and thought we dwell on.

These lifelines are what ties us together and yet, they are also what sets us apart. We are all unique, just like everybody else.”

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