Tudor Prisãcariu - DN1 Crosses

Tudor Prisãcariu – DN1 Crosses

www.dtailed.com and www.incotro.org

During my last two visits to Romania I had a massive urge to photograph some of the memorial crosses found by the side of the DN1 (National Road 1), one of the main roads in Romania. I finally managed to do it this Christmas.

The 11 crosses are spread over 3km between Tâncãbe?ti and Sãftica, a segment of the road close to Bucharest which I always have to go on to get to my home. You can see the exact location on this map.

Prisacariu1 Prisacariu2 Prisacariu3 Prisacariu4 Prisacariu5 Prisacariu6

more on the artist’s website