Gheorghe Șerban - "La Bivoli"

Gheorghe Șerban – “La Bivoli”

“‘La Bivoli’ s-ar putea asemăna pe undeva cu un Gange local, unde oamenii stau în nămol într-un decor selenar și par că se roagă solemn la Soare pentru sănătate. Credința absolută în vindecare nu poate fi zdruncinată de nici un…

Luis Fabini - Gauchos

Luis Fabini – Gauchos “The European Conquistadors brought horses and cattle with them when they arrived in the Americas centuries ago. Inadvertently, they began a process that gave birth to a unique cultural type, the Horsemen of the Americas. In the United States…


Bogdan Mesesan – New ID – exhibition

I present you Bogdan Mesesan first exhibition happening at the FLUT Gallery in Bremen, related to the Roma deportations and racism from the West Europe. Remember Bogdan’s New ID project and follow his works on Facebook.


Bogdan Meseºan – New ID Exhibition

I present you Bogdan Meseºan first exhibition happening at the FLUT Gallery in Bremen, related to the Roma deportations and racism from the West Europe. Remember Bogdan’s New ID project and follow his works on Facebook.