sharing 8

  • “It’s not often a person’s life is defined by such different boundaries that it makes you reevaluate yours. Leon Botha is the longest surviving victim of the rare condition Progeria, also known as rapid aging disease. While the life expectancy of other sufferers of this disease is usually limited to their early teens, Leon lives today at the age 24. This gives him a unique perspective on the briefness of a human life, and the time the people around him take that life for granted. Together with photographer Gordon Clark he created a series of photographs that try to explore themes central to his fragile life while questioning our concept of the normal. Through theatrical and theological metaphors they question concepts of identity and beauty. Botha courageously puts himself on display, not as a freak on show but as a person with an unique position in society.”

    TORCH gallery Amsterdam is honored to host the first exhibition by EYEMAZING, the moving gallery and magazine for contemporary photography. Who Am I? by South African artists Gordon Clark and Leon Botha will open on the 12th of June, between 5 and 7 pm. The exhibition will run until the 10th of July. Between the 9th and 13th  of June Leon and Gordon will be available for selected interviews. The artists will also be present at the opening.

  • “Punctum þîºneºte din fotografie ca o sãgeatã, strãpungîndu‐te. Cuvîntul vine din latinã ºi desemneazã rana, incizia, semnul lãsat de un instrument ascuþit. Punctum‐ul unei fotografii este întîmplarea aceea subtilã care te rãneºte ºi te pãtrunde.” – Roland Barthes
  • MOSSLESS has reached an important milestone! As it turns out, we’ve been doing interviews for a year now. We’ve done 181 to date, and that’s quite something. To celebrate, we’re going to take a month off while we’re working on the magazine (mind you, we’ll still be posting on mossfull). In the meantime, we’ve compiled a selection of some of our favourite interviews! So fill up your cup of Earl Grey and enjoy these puppies, because they’re great. This is our ‘best of’!
  • Bogdan Meseºan about his new project : “I tried to show, how one idea comes to life by everyone’s original contribution. The concept of “idea” is materialized by a bottle of milk that gradually fills. How Magritte would have said: “Ceci n’est pas une boutteille de lait.
    I want to thank, again, all the Imago Theater members that took part at this project.”