For 10 years among them
More than 10 years ago I entered a building in which, at the 3rd floor, I was interviewed for the first time of my life. A nice lady from the front-desk led me into a meeting room where another nice lady told me about what’s going on there. I had a jacket three times bigger than me, but I tried to keep my balance by breathing slowly. I think that my elegant trousers impressed the nice lady, but especially my green tie, which was even praised by the committee from the Baccalaureate oral test. I was 18, short hair, I was shaved, after shaved and complained of emotions inside. The first test was very simple, full of logical and mathematical problems and I passed it quickly and perfectly. After half an hour I was at the second level of the adventure: the French test. “Just correct this text to match the manuscript”. There was a little problem there because my French was in a very bad mood that day and I had to take it very slowly. With a little excitement I did the corrections dictated by the manuscript and the Holy Spelling of Word and got out of the room with great confidence in myself. “I will be hired!” I said in my mind, smiling at the nice lady. It really happened at the beginning of December when the same nice lady called me and gave me the good news: “Can you come here on Saturday and practice?” The third level, I guessed.
And the 11th of December 1999 was my first day at an office. Learned thousands of things, met hundreds of people and kept dozens of friends.
This project started two months ago, thinking about my last 10 years among them, my colleagues. I wondered what they are doing in their leisure. What are their hobbies, what are they collecting or what are their pet names? I chose 10 colleagues and followed them after work to see what they are doing. Here are a few examples.
All the 10 boards with my colleagues, which are exhibited on the walls of my open space office, can be downloaded as a PDF from here (3.2M – only in the Romanian language).
iarasi m-am trezit,am deschis laptopul si mi-am vizitat blogul cu gandul sa mai pun o foto pe dat un ochi pe aici si … zambit din nou.Faina idee si imi pica bine la aceasta ora a diminetii ,atat de reci!
E genial articolul, atat textul din fotografii cat si fotografiile ! :)
Va multumesc! :)
ce frumos este in lumea ta:)
hihi, suntem vedete pe internet ! Jon iti este recunoscator, au inceput telefoanele sa sune sa-l solicite pentru foto-sutinguri, deja am ochit paparazzi dand tarcoale blocului, iar sub balcon e cor de pisicute inflacarate.
P.S. Multumim ca ne-ai ales pentru proiect, tabloul e inramat pe perete, deasupra acvariului :P
este foarte frumos, da. :) mai ales ca merge si espressorul si avem si multe zile de nastere pe an, chiar maine am impresia c-o sa mananc prajituri. te pup!
:) daca vrei ma pot face agent pentru el, incep sa cred ca trebuie sa am o cariera paralela in impresariat.
cu mare placere!
Vreau, dar te rog frumos sa il promovezi ca fiind cel mai muscator motan din sectorul 6 (cu sanse reale la Municipale !!!), cel mai destept (ca-si porneste jucariile singur) si cel mai curat (face singurel baie in cada de dus aproape in fiecare zi). Multumim anticipat !
:)) poate o sa fac un calendar intreg numai cu el, ce zici?
Nu stiu, suna pentru programare si negociem. ;)
Bravo! Imi place mult. Buna idee, minunat realizata!
[…] January 2010 I created my first project that I’m proud of. “Ten years among them” is a photo-story about my colleagues and their spare time. I spend some great time with ten […]