Kevin Cooley – Bateaux Mouches via

Lonely Pawn Stories – The Book

by slow forward (download link)

Manjari Sharma - The Shower

Manjari Sharma – The Shower and her blog. “For the last few months I have been inviting people to visit my apartment and allow me to photograph them in a very intimate space, my bathroom. I have also been inviting them to take a shower…

Mary Shannon Johnstone - Breeding Ignorance

Mary Shannon Johnstone – Breeding Ignorance “There is a massive overpopulation of dogs and cats in North Carolina, and not enough homes for them. Every year over 250,000 dogs and cats have to be euthanized because there is no place to put them. That’s almost…

We love your tush.


Steluþele de mare – Nicolae ºi Elena – un proiect de Bogdan Dincã ºi Isabela, susþinut de Hotnews ºi Q magazine. Text ºi fotografii realizate de Alexandra Dincã. “Niculina isi sterge lacrima din coltul ochiului, se imbarbateaza si spune: “Copiii astia vor merge. Nu stiu cum…