Poor Joseph.

Amira Fritz - DANA

Amira Fritz – DANA

www.amirafritz.de and represented by Renate Gallois Montbrun, via featureshoot.com

sport naþional. zi ºi noapte.

click pentru mãrire.

o coincidenþã de la mulþi ani.

Haideþi la ambele!

A non smoking generation.

A non smoking generation.

via ibelieveinadv.com

Ruben Brulat - Immaculate

Ruben Brulat – Immaculate

www.rubenbrulat.com and his blog. “For Brulat, photography is about capturing humanity – as was evidenced by Immaculate, his series of images of a business area both by day and by night. ‘I want to understand why people groups and societies…