Hin Chua – They called me a corporate whore
“These images were made when I was an employee of a large investment bank in the City of London, during the height of the pre-crisis financial boom.”
From an article in the Observer:
“Shaun Springer, chief executive of Napier Scott, the financial headhunter based in the City, said he was hoping to pick up a bit of business over the next few weeks as staff at Lehman and other troubled banks looked for new berths; but he knows that the golden age of the City is over.
‘What we are living through now will reverberate through the rest of the century in the same way the Great Depression did last century. We are witnessing a very real power shift. Money is moving eastwards – while they’re creating wealth, we’re losing it hand over fist. Where it ends no one knows.
‘London has enjoyed an unprecedented decade of global dominance. Let’s hope people took lots of photos to look back on in the years to come’.”
Mereu ceva undeva se schimba, doar ca atunci cand esti tu acolo ti se pare senzational.
Senzationale toate imaginile!
Sunt curios cum arata acum locul? Pariez ca s-a vandut sau inchiriat macar o parte din sediul de prin poza numarul cinci! :D
Da, faina legatura, dupa cum imi zicea un prieten, cu anii 30.
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[…] Chua (previously blogged) – After The […]
@Mihai- locul arata exact la fel si in ziua de azi; este vorba de centrul Londrei, pare a fi zona Bank- Cannon Street, foarte aproape de renumitul London Bridge. Este o zona cu foarte multe birouri si cladiri de sticla si otel, dar cei care au proiectat complexul de birouri au avut mare grija sa nu-l faca inabusitor pentru trecatori. E chiar foarte relaxant sa te plimbi pe-acolo.