Michael Wolf – The Transparent City

www.photomichaelwolf.com and previously blogged with his 100 x 100 project.

Jörg M Colberg - Higher Education

Jörg M Colberg – Higher Education

“We live in a bit of a schizophrenic time. On the one hand, we realize how modern sciences have brought improvements that have greatly enhanced the quality (and actual durations) of our lives. On the other hand, we have become…

Erin Cone


Cristian Radu - iReadFaces

Cristian Radu – iReadFaces

blog.cristianradu.ro Miercuri, 25 noiembrie, de la ora 20.00, are loc la The Ark vernisajul expoziþiei de fotografie iReadfaces. Expoziþia va fi deschisã pânã pe 3 decembrie, între orele 10.00 ºi 19.00. Intrarea este liberã. iReadfaces este un proiect fotografic care…

Justin James Reed – New Cities

www.justinjamesreed.com and his blog.

Refugees would like…

…to have the same problems you have. via osocio.org