David Luraschi – Going
davidluraschi.com and his blog.
“I always want to take pictures of strangers but i never do, either because i’m too shy to ask or that it becomes a more artificial moment, the fact that they will pose and be aware of the camera.
This whole series begun with a picture of an old man. He was walking extremely slow and there was something very touching and symbolic about his struggle. He didn’t notice me, we were the only ones in the street. I slowly approached and took a picture.
Progressively, my attention grew towards older people and interesting figures walking in the street, usually someone disabled or carrying a bag.
I also discovered that I enjoyed taking someone’s picture without them noticing.”
Am si eu o serie asemanatoare cu prietena mea (nu sta la poze), daca vrei poti sa le gasesti la http://pisici-si-zombie.blogspot.com/ la rubrica fata fara fata. iti urmaresc blogu’ de ceva vreme.
foarte misto, da. mult mai faina mi se pare ideea cu Casa si Masina. :))
mai ales episodul asta: http://pisici-si-zombie.blogspot.com/2009/10/casa-si-masina-vii.html
multumesc pentru vizita si sa stii ca si eu te urmaresc. vroiam chiar sa ma bag in seama cu tine cand am luat doua cafele, pentru mine si prietena mea, dar pareai indispus. :)
data viitoare nu mai ezit.