Oigãn - sex with onions

Oigãn – sex with onions

www.myspace.com/oigankumm Oigãn (Eugen Nuþescu), chitaristul trupei Kumm, îºi va lansa primul album solo, sex with onions pe data de 6 martie 2009, in clubul The Silver Church. Tradiþia face ca orice lansare de album sã fie însoþitã de un concert….

Heidi Taillefer

www.heiditaillefer.com and her blog. Govinda and the Heiffer Nymph Dream Catcher Chimeric Seeds Of Doubt The Worm Forgives the Plow Silence is Golden

you don't have to be ugly...

you don’t have to be ugly…

…to save the planet.