Lost in Manele
that’s the name of Al Jawala‘s new album, released on 2th February 2008, in Fabrica. you should check what’s all about on friday, 23th May, in the same club in Bucharest, 11 Iunie st. n° 50 (near Carol Park).
that’s the name of Al Jawala‘s new album, released on 2th February 2008, in Fabrica. you should check what’s all about on friday, 23th May, in the same club in Bucharest, 11 Iunie st. n° 50 (near Carol Park).
oh boy, oh boy.
so looking forward to a new round of ‘microbuzele’ and ‘go east’!
la multi ani, oix! >:D< mucho la multi ani!:*
sper sa reusesc sa fac ceva poze si’n Fabrica… desi la ce tequilla buna au aia’colo… pfff…
zici ca-s misto? da’ ce canta ei, cum se cheama ce canta ei, din ce gen fac parte? poate vin si eu cand mai vin. cand mai vin?:))
sa zicem etno-jazz-funk. da. sunt. ei sunt.
“sa zicem etno-jazz-funk.” suna interesant:))