7 Causes of Job Search Depression and How to Prevent It

But as you make changes to prioritize your well-being, your self-image is likely to improve, which will boost your ability to make a great impression. Job search depression can set in whether you’re out of work, or just unhappy with your current job. Job-search depression sets in and, if left unattended, can lead to negative consequences. Take care of your physical and emotional health, seek social support and focus on what you can control. Summon up the strength to get up when knocked down, brush yourself off and forge ahead, knowing there will still be headwinds. It’s also a good way to combat the isolation that many job seekers face.

  • A positive mindset helps you embrace your imperfections despite your job hunting depression.
  • But an aspect often overlooked in this transition is the psychological impact of job hunting.
  • Maintaining a structured routine, setting realistic goals, and practicing self-care can all contribute to coping with and overcoming this distress.
  • Endless job hunting can lead to feelings of exhaustion and burnout.

Rather than withdrawing or isolating yourself completely, find people you like spending time with, even if it’s only short bursts of time to start with. This can be colleagues you share breaks with or friends and family outside work. Choosing an activity to do together means that you can spend time with others without feeling like the focus is on you. According to the studies, there is a correlation between unemployment and mental health, and it further explored that unemployed people are more likely to get depressed than employed people.

How to prepare for a new job and set yourself up for success

What’s more, maintaining a positive attitude throughout your job hunt can better your chances of landing your dream gig. Eating a healthy diet and getting plenty of sleep, and practicing good sleep hygiene are key to managing your stress. Instead of getting wrapped up in “what if” thoughts, harness the power of positive self-talk. Make a list of job postings you’re applying for, with information like interview dates, contact details, and interview questions you’d like to ask.

Maintaining a structured routine, setting realistic goals, and practicing self-care can all contribute to coping with and overcoming this distress. One day, you’re enjoying the structured predictability of college life. The next day, you’re thrust into a new world, building your LinkedIn profile, polishing up your résumé, and starting the search for your dream job. For some graduates, the job search is a joyful, exciting adventure. For other job seekers, though, the job hunt leads not to a dream job, but clinical depression. Stay social
Many people tend to cut off communication when they feel depressed.

Feeling Withdrawn

Seek professional help
Sometimes everything you do to cope with depression yourself is not enough. There is nothing wrong with admitting that you need professional help and seeing a therapist. Ask for help, especially if you notice any health problems that go with a bad mood. Substance abuse and thoughts about self-harm also indicate that you need to reach out to a professional therapist.

Doubting your skills and abilities
Rejections or anxiety about possible rejections might severely harm your self-esteem. While it doesn’t have to do anything with your skills depression and job search and abilities, your perception of yourself can drastically change. But if self-doubt wastes your time and lowers your quality of life, it can signify depression.

🛑 How To Stop Being Depressed About Job Search

To find a group near you, or to start one, check the support group page on the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) website. If your work depression or burnout becomes severe, and you feel unable to work, there’s help under the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). You can ask for a leave of absence as a form of work accommodation. It’s usually granted only after all other options have been exhausted. EAPs can help you with almost any issue that affects your mental and emotional well-being, such as stress, family problems, and psychological conditions. This can be especially important if you have symptoms of depression.

how the job search can cause depression

If you have depressive symptoms, conflict is probably the last thing you want. With depression, managing your symptoms will likely involve therapy, medication, and probably a change in your work situation too, Marks says. The difference is that with depression, there’s so much else going on that depersonalization doesn’t stand out. Your drive is gone, you’re exhausted, and you feel like nothing you do is right. When time off doesn’t make it better, your hang-up might be work depression. Shut the door on what has already happened and focus on the now.

A 2022 review of 9 studies and 4,864 participants found that those who were unemployed had 28% higher depressive symptom scores than employed people. People who are passionate about what they do are more likely to succeed in finding a job and perform well when they have a job that’s right for them. Besides pressure from those around you, the pressure you put on yourself can cause you to have unrealistic expectations. And when you don’t meet them, you’ll only harbor more mental and physical stress, as well as burnout and physical exhaustion. Just as you consider the position’s hours, workload, wages, employee benefits, location, and so on, they have certain qualities they’re looking for. An organization needs to make sure you have the right behavior and attitude for their company culture.