Sebastian Văcăriuc - Government housing

Sebastian Văcăriuc – Government housing

“This series captures moments from the day to day life of a government housing neighborhood.
Most of the people who live there have no stable income, because there are no jobs or places to work in.Most of them have to go abroad to find something to work. They live in very poor conditions, with entire families crowded in a single room and only one shared bathroom per floor.The neighborhood is located in a Orsova, a Romanian town along the Danube banks where the river borders Serbia and it reflects the bareness of the entire city.” – Sebastian Văcăriuc

Government Housing (1) Government Housing (4)Government Housing (6) Government Housing (7) Government Housing (8) Government Housing (11 ) Government Housing (12) Government Housing (16) Government Housing (17) Government Housing (18)Government Housing (19) Government Housing (21)