Magnus Arrevad – Boy Story
“First by accident, then with intent, I was drawn into a subterranean world of go-go dancers, male porn stars, boylesque and circeulesque. I was fascinated by the processes and preparations through which the performers visibly liberated themselves from the social…

Elin Hoyland – The Brothers
“The brothers Harald and Mathias Ramen always lived together in the same place outside a small village in the middle of rural Norway. They never got married and never travelled anywhere. They had a small farm and worked as loggers. Their days…

Marc Wilson – The Last Stand
“Between 2010 and 2014, Marc Wilson photographed the images that make up The Last Stand. This piece of work aims to reflect the histories and stories military conflict and the memories held in the landscape itself. The series is made…

(RO only) “Expoziția FOTOPOETICA ÎN STRADĂ reunește 60 de lucrări realizate de tot atâția absolvenți ai Școlii de Fotografie FOTOPOETICA din București. Sunt prezente șapte generații de fotopoeți, fiecare cu propria viziune, cu propria cale de a găsi expresii, atmosfere…