Event: Personal selection - book workshop

Event: Personal selection – book workshop

Personal selection – book workshop 
29th-31st of May – 5th-7th of June 2015
5pm. – 9pm.
(event link)

“Personal selection”, the book workshop, takes place once again at Galeria Posibilă. From 29th of May until the 7th of June 2015, between 5pm. and 9pm., we invite you to make your own book on Popa Petre street, no. 6.

  • 2000 anonymous photographies
  • a photocopier
  • paper reams

Ist step – Take a careful look through the archive
IInd step – Choose photographies for your Personal Selection
IIIrd step – Arrange a photography on the photocopier
IVth step – Push the green button to make a copy
Vth step – Wait for the xeropraphic process
VIth step – Repeat steps 1-5

With 2000 anonymous photographies, a xerox, and paper, we invite you become the author of a book – of your own book, with your personal photography selection. The narration is free, guided only by personal engagement and subjectivity regarding the choice of search, match and arrangement of given photographies.

The workshop “Personal selection” seeks to recover an approach towards vernacular anonymous photography and to promote practical work with photographic object, an endeavor less experimented in public sphere. Contemporary artists often use anonymous photography in research, documentation and creation. Taking this practice into account, this workshop brings into focus the idea of making your own object – the book – using the most important method from contemporary photography – the selection. Our invitation enables cultivation of attention and curiosity towards personal archive, but also towards possible discoveries through anonymous photographies. Moreover, this type of photography becomes known for its aesthetic and its rediscovered value given by each author, also generating new creative productions.

In a broader approach, “Personal Selection”, together with “I not only like sea, but also mountain!” (2014) from Nicoleta Moise, comes along the series initiated in 2009 by Galeria Posibilă with “Petite Histoire”.

Galeria Posibilă was founded in 2003 by Matei Câlția. In our portfolio we include following artists who exhibited and/or published at Galeria Posibilă: Ştefan Cȃlţia, Roman Tolici, Nicu Ilfoveanu, Dan Perjovschi, Ion Dumitriu, Matei Bejenaru, Florin Ciulache, Iuliana Vîlsan, Irina Botea, Gili Mocanu, Bogdan Bordeianu, Dragoș Lumpan, Ana Wagner, Lucian Bran. Alongside exhibiting, Galeria Posibilă also publishes books like: Steampunkautochrome, Nicu Ilfoveanu (2007), Groapa de gunoi Ion Dumitriu (2008), Desene pentru Herina Ștefan Câlția (2008), București, Bruxelles, Chișinău, Dan Perjovschi (2008), Petite Histoire (2009), I II III IV V VI VII povești cu Ștefan Câlția (2013) – awarded as Cea Mai Frumoasă Carte, book design, Gala Bun de Tipar 2014 and “Nu-mi place numai marea, dar și muntele!”, Nicoleta Moise (2014).