Remus Ţiplea – The Gravediggers
“I’ve started a few years ago, approximately 4 years ago to document the religious life close to where I live, close to Negresti Oas. The religious communities are very diverse and large so I found myself photographing the life of 6 religious confessions: orthodox, roman-catholic, pentecostalism, Jehova’s witness, adventism and protestantism. I try to include in this “religious life” all that is happening inside the community starting with baptism, everyday-related events and finishing with “the great passing”.
It’s a big project and so I’ve tried to tear apart small pieces of it in an attempt to make it easier for both the viewer and myself. Here is one of this pieces.
The Bible says that Death is the parting of The Soul from The Body. Back in my town the ones who are seeing the body back into the ground and the soul back to God are the village gravediggers – that’s what the entire town is calling them. They are paid by the entire community, no matter the religion.” – Remus Ţiplea
You can see more of Remus’ project on his blog: http://remustiplea.blogspot.ro/
Cristian Bassa
[…] Religious confessions – Remus Tiplea […]
[…] Remus Tiplea – The Gravediggers […]