Photobook Review: Victor Boldâr – 07.05.75 Impresii. Henri Cartier-Bresson in Oltenia

7 may 1975 – Victor Boldâr, Nicu Dan Gelep and Mihai Dan Calinescu were about to accompany Henri Cartier-Bresson and Martine Franck through a photographic journey in Oltenia, Romania. Their journey was documented and years later has turned into a photobook: “Victor Boldâr – 07.05.75 Impresii. Henri Cartier-Bresson in Oltenia” – first edition is sold-out and a reprint is scheduled for March 2015.

Here are a few photos taken by Victor Boldâr on this journey.

victor boldar - henri cartier bresson in oltenia 000 victor boldar - henri cartier bresson in oltenia 007 victor boldar - henri cartier bresson in oltenia 009 victor boldar - henri cartier bresson in oltenia 010 victor boldar - henri cartier bresson in oltenia 011 victor boldar - henri cartier bresson in oltenia 018 victor boldar - henri cartier bresson in oltenia 023 victor boldar - henri cartier bresson in oltenia 026 victor boldar - henri cartier bresson in oltenia 029 victor boldar - henri cartier bresson in oltenia 035 victor boldar - henri cartier bresson in oltenia 038 victor boldar - henri cartier bresson in oltenia 045



The selection of the photos for this article was a tough one. Not only because it refers to one of the best photographers that ever lived but also because it’s an amazing experience to go through the pages of this photobook and relive such a journey. You might know some photos take in Romania by HCB and also the famous “ROMANIA. In a train. 1975“. Nevertheless this photobook is a must-have for all Romanian street-photography enthusiasts and admirers. You will be immediately and irrevocably conquered by the Henri’s illuminating smile.

You can view the whole album in digital format here:

Victor Boldâr – 07.05.1975 – Impresii- Henri Cartier-Bresson in Oltenia

64 pages

ISBN 978-606-703-045-7

Craiova 2014

Cristian Bassa