Argentik - Winners and Feature

Argentik – Winners and Feature

The winners of the first edition of Argentik – as chosen by the jury based on their entire exposed film – are:

  • 1st place: Dragos Rapeanu
  • 2nd place: Florin Ghebosu
  • 3rd place: Florin Simina

Argentik event located here – RO only. In this feature you can see five photos from each contestant’s film, unedited, chosen by the editor. A big thanks to all participants and see you soon at the exhibition – more details soon.

Cristian Bassa

Dragos-George Alexandruscan128 scan132 scan136 scan146 scan150

Florin Ghebosuscan066 scan078 scan085 scan093 scan098

Mihai Olaruscan003 scan010 scan014 scan023 scan026

Ioana Novacscan079 scan094 scan098 scan100 scan114

Matei Gaginskyscan043 scan049 scan051 scan064 scan031

Dragos-Radu Dumitrescuscan001 scan005 scan024 scan029 scan032

George Lazarscan103 scan112 scan113 scan120 scan125

Dragos Rapeanuscan225 scan226 scan233 scan241 scan249

Vali Barbulescuscan063 scan067 scan070 scan078 scan055

Florin Siminascan199 scan201 scan204 scan214 scan218

Gabriel Pahontuscan161 scan165 scan174 scan180 scan187