Sergey Melnitchenko – Loneliness online
“Loneliness – socio-psychological phenomenon, emotional state associated with the lack of relatives, positive emotional connections with people and / or the fear of their loss as a result of forced or having psychological causes of social isolation.
Loneliness can feel young man or woman who cannot find a suitable partner, or an elderly person who has lost friends and relatives and not able to find a common language with the younger generation. Loneliness is often experienced by people with inertial nervous system, barely making new contacts, slowly getting used to new acquaintances. In extreme cases, loneliness can lead to depression.
Loneliness as a condition is often expressed in music, film, literature and poetry.” – Wikipedia.
Spending time in videochat with his friends, Sergey Melnitchenko was surprised by the interesting hobby of some young and not so young people from different countries to show their genitals to the camera, and sometimes making it in the most extraordinary ways. Sergey started spending more and more time on these webchats, especially trying to find such people. He waited until he came across such a companion and he “photographed” him by pressing the “Print Screen” key. “For all the time I spent in the video chats, I captured about 200-300 of such characters, and then selected the most interesting in my opinion.” The left side of the diptychs is from these screen shots and for the right side, the artist chose trees photographed with a 3.2 megapixel camera from a mobile phone, a monitor, and Google Maps. “I compared the left side with the pictures of trees on the right, as they are representing loneliness the most.”
Sergey Melnitchenko (b. 1991) is from Ukraine, member of Ukrainian Photographic Alternative and he lives and works in Nikolayev, Ukraine. More of this projects and his other great works on his website.
[…] last people of the pit” live. We go online with Sergey Melnitchenko‘s “Loneliness Online“ Oliver Merce explores the urban landscape and discovers some “Urban […]