Mircea Stru?eanu – Romanian Writers

In the spring of 2010 Mircea Stru?eanu initiated Romanian Writers, Faces and Mysteries Project, when he started photographing more than 100 writers in many nonconventional scenes, contributing to a change of their public image.


Florin Iaru


An ongoing project, more than two years of work, more than 100 people loved by others for what they write and how they do it. Their names are written on book covers and sometimes they sound almost as familiar as friends’ name. Every name has a face and every face has a mystery. This journey among writers goes beyond glances and gestures in search of that unic attitude when a facial expression or a body position reveals pure literature. It’s a collection in which, beyond generations and literary genres, the power of image searches the power of word.



Eugen Negrici




Radu Mares




Alexandru Vlad




Mircea Horia Simionescu




Stefan Agopian




Ovidiu Nimigean




Filip Florian


A selection of 30 photographs from all of which will be published this year in a photo album can be found on Mircea Stru?eanu’s website. Mircea (b. 1984, Bucharest), graduated Environmental Geography, Master’s Degree in Landscape Management from Bucharest University. He purchased his first D-SLR camera in 2006 and starts photographing as a hobby, due to his passion for nature, backpacking and mountaineering (he was awarded national champion for sport climbing in 2010). Gradually the hobby turns into a profession. He became known for his first traveling photographical project, Wide World (a long trip through Romania, Ukraine, Russia, Mongolia, China, Tibet, Nepal, India, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand and Malaysia) and his following exhibitions.