The most liked posts of 2011

As a final entry of 2011 I present you the most liked posts on Oitzarisme on 2011 due Facebook.

10. Ignacio Torres – Stellar

I wonder if this idea will hold the classic photography still for a while someday.

9. Stéphanie de Rouge – In Your Fridge

A delicious subject about people and food or drinks. You should also see her series “In your room” and “On your roof” from the photographer’s website.

8. Jana Romanova – Waiting

“From the very beginning when He hasn’t yet realized He’s going to be a father, and She is left alone with this knowledge about a small life growing inside her, passing the step where He becomes a child himself rejecting this new responsibility, and after that coming to a part where He awakes and slowly They start to play equal roles in the process of Waiting.”

7. Miru Kim – The Pig That Therefore I Am

“I Like Pigs and Pigs Like Me”. Her story is about living with pigs and feel their life very closely. Have a look on this video, her 6-hour performance for Lodz Biennale.

6. Dana Cojbuc – Remake

A funny project about funny people from Romania. Although, the Internet exploded with this kind of photo-projects, I find Dana’s very special. Maybe because she’s Romanian or maybe because all her subjects are from the same village, Ciolãnești.

5. Egyed Ufó Zoltán – Village Beauty

“This is a project about the most beautiful girls of different Transylvanian villages, in their rooms. The selection of the beauties was made by the local community, by secret voting, and does not necessarily reflect the taste of the photographer. Every girl had a half an hour before the shooting, to dress up as she wants and clean her room.”

The “subject in his/her room” is very common in these days, too, but Ufo made it remarkable. Or, again, maybe is because my grandparents had a wall-carpet with deers, too.

4. Lucian Hotoiu & Gabriel Saplonþai – Costumes of Viflaim

Customs and costumes of Viflaim with an amazing story written by these great guys that I can’t wait to meet someday. They are not professional photographers but they create amazing photo-projects. You should visit their new website and, most of all, be amazed of the Alienated project. I will feature it on my website next year, too, only if they will approve my inquiry, of course. :-)

3. Shawn Robinson – The Light Through Which We All Glow

“Through an ongoing series of portraits I am investigating what it means to have albinism. As a visual artist, I can’t help but be drawn to this uniqueness and beauty. We live in a society where people spend untold sums of money to look the same, cosmetic surgery is booming, yet the people I photograph can not change who they are.”

2. Horaþiu Sava – Dacia & Chaufeur

Horatiu lives in Germany and he’s a software engineer. With this project he wants to catch the differences between Dacia, the symbolic car of the Communist Era and Dacia, the symbolic inequality from today… as “Dacia is nowadays the car of those who can’t afford several thousands of euros for a better car”.

1. Tudor Platon – Elev în clasa a 12-a
A photo-documentary about Tudor Platon‘s high-school, a project for the Oskar photography school. The interesting part of this project is that Tudor has been expelled from his high-school after the project was published online. After many discussions between school authorities and Tudor’s parents, with media included, Tudor registered to another school, he graduated it and moved to Bucharest where he studies “Image Arts” at the National University of Theatre and Cinematography Arts. Soon, it will be featured on Love Issue #6 with a great story about his father.

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I wish you all the best for the next year and see you there!
