Miranda Hutton – The Rooms Project
“I started the project in 2003 after two significant people died in my life. A friend died of cancer when we were both 17 and seven years later my mother died. It was after these deaths that I began to notice the importance of personal possessions and the significance of the physical spaces that were once occupied by loved ones who have passed away. I photographed my friend’s bedroom and from that process ‘the rooms project’ began. Parents started to contact asking me to photograph their child’s bedroom.
Each photograph in ‘the rooms project’ represents one moment in a much longer healing process. Each room continues to change as time passes; in every room a unique person is being remembered and there are families across the world who use their room to remember and commemorate a life once lived.”
Died 11 months ago (2005)
Died 4 years ago (2004)
Died 4 years ago (2004)
Died 6 years ago (2005)
Died 8 years ago (2004)
Died 11 years ago (2004)
more images on Miranda Hutton’s website and an interview with the artist on VICE