Valentina Riccardi – NO RENT
www.valentinariccardi.com “No rent, no power, no faucets, and by choice. Water comes from a well, the washing machine runs with a pedal mechanism, power is a gift from the sun. Not far from drunken British tourists and disco boys and…

Juan Margolles – No Man’s Land
www.juanmargolles.com “There are certain areas within cities that seem no more than ordinary places, sometimes abandoned. However, some of these areas carry a special emotional charge that transform them in something else than a physic reality. In these spaces, took…

Reed Young – Life After Sumo
www.reedyoung.com “They’re chefs and bar owners, but also hip-hop singers and TV comedians. After retiring from the ring, the road for champions of the legendary Japanese sport divides. But their second life, to be invented, is built precisely on discipline…

Rafa Zubiría – No Way Home
www.rafazubiria.es more images and other interesting projects on Rafa Zubiria’s website

Kim Kuhn – Thesis
www.kimkuhn.com “Throughout childhood the intrinsic notion of a father is a patriarch who is infallible, unflinching, and all knowing. From our fathers, it is expected that we be inculcated right from wrong. From them, we are taught how to be…

Lais Pontes – Born Nowhere
www.laispontes.com “The project Born Nowhere uses Social Media, as a tool of interaction, to capture how the change of a person’s facial features, expression or physiognomy, can affect the observer’s interpretation of someone. According to some theories of Personality (Carl…