Rachel de Joode – The Residue of Those Celestial Objects Bound to Our Sun by Gravity
www.racheldejoode.com “Humans believe that the solar system is nearly five billion years old. It is made up of eight planets and more than 170 moons, as well as dust, gas and thousands of asteroids and comets orbiting around a central…
Jason Larkin – Working Young
www.jasonlarkin.co.uk “Historically, it’s common for children from low-income Egyptian families to work in the fields or the family business, but with the high rate of inflation and the global rise of food prices, casual and seasonal work increasingly becomes full-time…
Robert Carter
www.crackedhat.com via Andreea Cioran
Andrés Medina – La Casa de Leonor
www.andresmedina.com and his inspirational blog magazine Seeking. “La casa de Leonor series wants to keep alive the memories and moments lived for my family here. This is my grandmother’s house in the village Miñambres de la Valduerna, León (Spain), a…
Steven Beckly – Single Rooms
www.stevenbeckly.com and previously featured with the Little Wolf romantic story. “Single Rooms is a series of images exploring the interdependent relationship between home and identity, stemming from my experiences of inhabiting separate spaces simultaneously. These disconnected environments influenced my emotions,…