Yossi Loloi – Fullbeauty
“What larger women embody to me is simply another form of beauty. I believe we own ‘freedom of taste’ and we should not be reluctant to express what we really like. Limiting this freedom is living in a dictatorship of esthetics.
I focus on their fullness and femininity, as a form of protest against discrimination.
I believe there are other ways to perceive beauty, it is not measurable and has not got a standard size.”
via Catalina
Yossi, this is incredible work! Our friend Yves pointed me to your website. How did you go about recruiting models for this project?
in toate fotografiile partenerii lor le tin in brate
This is simply disgusting. And artistically mediocre.
Imi aduce aminte de o pictura de-a lui Lucien Freud.
In special a 4a fotografie!
Too much photoshop!!!