Enigma Images - Even Though I'm Free I Am Not

Enigma Images – Even Though I’m Free I Am Not

www.enigmaimages.net and their blog

“Though imprisoned they are everywhere with us. More than 2,190 political prisoners are currently incarcerated in the most horrendous of prison conditions in Burma’s notorious jails. Since the 1988 popular democracy movement inside Burma was crushed in a ruthless crackdown by the military regime, thousands of people have been arrested, tortured and given long prison sentences for their beliefs and political activities.
“Even Though I’m Free I Am Not” is a global documentary photography project about Burma’s political prisoners. Traveling across the world to South East Asia, Australia, Japan, Europe, USA, Canada as well as into Burma itself, hundreds of Burma’s former political prisoners who have fled the country and are now forced to live in exile often as stateless people, will be photographed, coming together to raise awareness of the tragic plight of their colleagues still detained in jail.
This simple symbolic gesture of the palm being shown in the Buddhist Abhaya Mudhra with the name of a colleague currently suffering silently in prison written on it, becomes a combined act of silent protest, remembrance and fearlessness. Qualities instilled in all of Burma’s political prisoners.”

Full details of the project can be found here on their Blog – with live reporting from wherever we are in the world and visit www.enigmaimages.net to see more than 160 former political prisoners that have been photographed for this project from countries all over the world.

Burma's former political prisoners demand the release of all current political prisoners in BurmaYee Yee Htun, Norway. 5 years in Insein Prison and Tharawaddy Prison.

Burma's former political prisoners demand the release of all current political prisoners in BurmaCho Saint, Norway. 7 years in Insein Prison and Tharawaddy Prison.

Burma's former political prisoners demand the release of all current political prisoners detained in BurmaLae Lae, Thailand. 4 years in Insein Prison and Shwebo Prison.

Burma's former political prisoners demand the release of all current political prisoners in BurmaAung Gyi, UK. 4 years in Insein Prison and Shwebo Prison.

Burma's former political prisoners demand the release of all current political prisoners in BurmaDr. Aye Chan, Japan. 7 years in Insein Prison and Tharawaddy Prison.

Burma's former political prisoners demand the release of all current political prisoners in BurmaThin Min Soe, Thailand. 4 years in Insein Prison.