Lucie & Simon – Scenes of Life
“The characters in this series are photographed at home as they go about their familiar activities. The images show moments of intimacy, precious and delicate, that, beyond their simplicity, bear witness to everyday reality.
The point of view, from the ceiling or the sky, breaks this banality by representing these snapshots of humanity in a pictorial way. By recreating an unknown visual universe, and disregarding photography’s notions of perspective and depth of field, the viewer’s eye is made to lose its usual reading marks.
The character is set in a delimited space. The main element of the scene, the confrontation between banality and its aesthetic representation, acts toward him as a telltale feeling. Through these emotions, these infinitely human and romantic feelings, the subject gives relevance and strength to the image: express the torments of the heart and the soul, the vertigo of everyday life, that lies buried beneath this trivial appearance.”
Enjoy all the scenes and other interesting projects on their website, via Visual Tone
imi aminteste de un alt set interesant – aici:
Da, seamana putin. “Scenes of Sleep” s-ar fi putut numi.
le-am vazut expuse la biblioteca nationala a frantei! :)
[…] More images and other interesting projects on Lucie and Simon’s website. They were previously featured on Oitzarisme.ro with the wonderful Scenes of Life project. […]