Stephanie Diani – Dames – Legends of Burlesque
“Women, fashion and body image have long been fascinations for me. I believe women, even more than men, use clothing to render an impression on the people they interact with in the world. In youth, this means trying a variety of styles – punk, emo, hippy – until the persona created feels right. By the time they reach middle age, most women have discovered who they are and what they like and dress accordingly with less concern for external impressions. What I find fascinating about the legends of burlesque – women who have been performing for years and years – is that these dancers create a character with their costumes and then create entertainment by stripping away that outer layer of artifice to reveal their naked selves. Even so, one’s impression of each dancer remains the same as when she first stepped out into the spotlight, fully dressed. This series is an attempt to show the dancers, in costume and in character, but juxtaposed against the (often) mundane setting of ‘real life.'”
Joan Arline, The Sexsquire Girl
via KodakMoment
tipi de ce nu? :o
salut, ce mai faci? ma mai uit uneori la portofoliul tau pe lomo, imi place foarte tare. sanatate and viva to the fat divas.
Ce mai fac eu sau Ana? :)
Eu nu am portofoliu pe lomo.
Imi dai link, te rog? Sa vad daca eu sau Ana? :)
deci candy baby caramelo means real stuff! cît de tare e! (mã rog, poate nu fizic..)
Anything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Every little thing you want also desires you. Nonetheless you need to take action to get it
Maybe this year you can get Candy Baby Caramelo and Big Fannie Annie together for a sexy photo session