Kimiko Yoshida – Self Portraits

“Since I fled my homeland to escape the mortifying servitude and humiliating fate of Japanese women, I amplifie through my art a feminist stance of protest against contemporary cliches of seduction, against voluntary servitude of women, against “identity” defined by appurtenances and “communities”, against the stereotypes of “gender” and the determinism of heredity.
Art is above all the experience of transformation. Transformation is, it seems to me, the ultimate value of the work. Art for me has become a space of shifting metamorphosis. My Self-portraits, or what go by that name, are only the place and the formula of the mutation. The only raison d’être of art is to transform what art alone can transform. All that’s not me, that’s what interests me. To be there where I think I am not, to disappear where I think I am, that is what matters.”
read more on her website

Rembrandt by himself

Minotaur by Picasso

Zorah by Matisse

Laughing girl by Vermeer

Navarro warrior by Theodor De Bry

Pierrot by Watteau