Jan Banning – Bureaucratics

www.janbanning.nl and the Bureaucratics book.

Bolivia – 2005
Mario Calizaya Condor (b. 1951) is deputy mayor in Betanzos, Cornelia Saavedra province. He completed elementary school only and subsequently was a farmer. Monthly salary: 1,200 bolivianos (133 €)

France – 2006
Roger Vacher (b. 1957) is a narcotics agent with the national police force in Clermont-Ferrand, Puy-de-Dôme department, Auvergne region. Monthly salary: 2200 €

Yemen – 2006
Alham Abdulwaze Nuzeli (b. 1982) works at the regional office of the Ministry of Tithing and Alms in the city of Al-Mahwit, Al-Mahwit governorate. Monthly salary: 12,000 rial (46 €)

India – 2003
Ram Prabodh Yadav (b. 1970) is sub-inspector (deputy inspector) of police in Maner Block district, State of Bihar. Monthly salary: 10,000 rupees (200 €)

USA – 2007
Rudy Flores (b. 1963) is one the 118 Texas Rangers state law enforcement officers, who cover 254 counties between them. He is based in Palestine, Anderson County, Texas. He is responsible for three counties. Monthly salary: $5000 (3720 €)

Liberia – 2006
Louise N. Smith (b. 1964) keeps files at the Department of Statistics of the Bureau for Immigration and Naturalization (BIN) in Monrovia. Monthly salary: 1,000 Liberian dollars (17 €), almost all of which is spent on transportation to and from work. Sometimes she receives nothing for three months, except for support from family in the United States.

Upcoming events with the Bureaucratics photos at the following artspots:
Galerie Robert Morath, Hamburg (8/1 – 15/3 2010);
Gallerie Etagi Loft Project, St Petersburg (16/4 – 1/6/2010);
– FO.KU.S., Innsbruck (26/5 – 31/8/2010);
Moving Walls, Open Society Institute, New York, USA, (2/6/2010 – ?);
Photoaumnales, Beauvais, France, (11/9 – 7/11/2010).

via ignant.de