Rafal Milach & Andrzej Sidor – Life After Death
“Nobody likes taxidermists. Ecologists consider them to be animal killers and say the profession is unethical. People prefer to think that they don’t exist at all. Only hunters understand them, and not only as their clients. They share the same passion for animals. A passion of chasing, killing and adoration. The work is dirty and stinky but they love it. Each animal has to be prepared with solicitude and care in order to look perfectly.”
via an interview on featureshoot.com
Urate poze. Nu ca si realizare dar ideea care o transmit.
Artele nu-s tot timpul frumoase. Asa cum nici orice este frumos nu poate fi considerat arta.
corect e banksy, nu bansky.
apropo de subiect știi cumva dacã la noi se gãsesc albumele lui? și dacã da bagã un link:)
niciodata nu cred c-am citit Banksy ci de cele mai multe ori Bansky. Suna a Bamse, asa… ca tot vorbeam ieri… hihi…
o sa ma uit pe la Carturesti maine si dupa Banksy, el este subiectul, nu?