Nu poþi intra oricând în vorbã cu un om pe trecerea de pietoni. Ai avea timp sã i spui doar cã are pardesiul puþin ºifonat sau cã i-ar sta ºi mai bine cu o umbrelã. Din zece linii câte are…

Richard Renaldi – Touching Strangers “When my friend Richard Renaldi showed me the first images from the new series Touching Strangers I was just amazed. Asking two complete strangers to not only pose with each other, but to also touch each other while doing…
Adam Stennett
Noah Kalina – What Happens in Las Vegas – I’m sure you know this guy. :) (poze “iola”… hihi) Â
sharing 5
Great new paintings from Juan Carlos Bravos, inspired by the Recession; This is No 3 in the series Living Paintings by Nigel Van Wieck; Maison Martina Margiela has a great webdesigner or that is for real; amazing work : “Future…
Geliografic Studio Artworks