I am Sall Ankur, I represent mister Hywel Jones, I publish his work.
I came to my attention that your blog simply reproduces pictures downloaded from his website, without any notice to us.
I don not intend to make a big deal out of this, but I still ask yoy kindly to contact me as soon as possible.
oitza roz at ·
Hello Mr. Salil and wellcome to my blog :)
I did ask permission to mr. Hywel Jones on his e-mail from his site… and he answered me like this
“Yes!!! Please feel free to use my images on your blog!… I really like what your doing! Send me a quick email once you have uploaded the page.
Thanks for your interest in my work!
I think is obvious that he liked my work :) and i asked for permission before posting it.
Hywel Jones at ·
Who the hell is Mr Ankur???
I have never heard of him, let alone let him represent my work!
Why on earth would he go to the trouble of saying something so ridiculous…
I do like your blog and please reproduce as many images as you want to!
oitza roz at ·
:) I think I was a little bit fooled but that’s ok.
I can give you his e-mail address if you like.
Dear sir,
I am Sall Ankur, I represent mister Hywel Jones, I publish his work.
I came to my attention that your blog simply reproduces pictures downloaded from his website, without any notice to us.
I don not intend to make a big deal out of this, but I still ask yoy kindly to contact me as soon as possible.
Hello Mr. Salil and wellcome to my blog :)
I did ask permission to mr. Hywel Jones on his e-mail from his site… and he answered me like this
“Yes!!! Please feel free to use my images on your blog!… I really like what your doing! Send me a quick email once you have uploaded the page.
Thanks for your interest in my work!
I think is obvious that he liked my work :) and i asked for permission before posting it.
Who the hell is Mr Ankur???
I have never heard of him, let alone let him represent my work!
Why on earth would he go to the trouble of saying something so ridiculous…
I do like your blog and please reproduce as many images as you want to!
:) I think I was a little bit fooled but that’s ok.
I can give you his e-mail address if you like.
Thank you!